
How can I help?

Let’s grow your business, plan your future, and help you shine.

Financial Literacy

Have you ever consulted a search engine for financial advice, quickly felt overwhelmed and exited the screen?

Get Corissa’s honest guidance through the foundational components of financial literacy for life, business, and beyond. Corissa uses her experience as a teacher, entrepreneur, and financial advisor to help you understand all the ingredients of a strong financial plan, from understanding governmental and financial institutions, to diversified investments, and even your own daily habits. Her financial literacy training covers fundamentals, budgeting, and knowing where and how to ask for help when you need it. With this training, you’ll walk away with your questions answered, bases covered, and the confidence to make your portfolio and business thrive over time.

1-on-1 Business Consulting

Corissa’s 1-on-1 consulting is designed to provide you with individualized attention and support.

She takes the time to understand your business goals, challenges, and aspirations. By working closely with you, she can develop a personalized strategy and action plan to address your specific needs. With this customized approach, you can expect targeted guidance and solutions that will help your business succeed.

Small Business Group Mentorship

In addition to her 1-on-1 consulting, Corissa also offers a group mentorship program for small business owners. It brings together like-minded individuals who are eager to learn and grow. Through four interactive sessions, you will have the opportunity to benefit from the collective wisdom and experiences of fellow entrepreneurs.

Corissa will guide the discussions and provide valuable insights on business structure and growth strategies. This collaborative setting allows for networking, sharing of ideas, and building meaningful connections with other business professionals

These group events take place in four themed sessions:

  • Session 1: Building a Strong Foundation

  • Session 2: Mastering Marketing and Branding

  • Session 3: Nurturing Customer Relationships and Sales

  • Session 4: Scaling for Growth and Future Success

Why Corissa?

As a former educator and advocate for resource-sharing, Corissa believes that every entrepreneur deserves the opportunity to receive high-quality support and guidance, regardless of their financial situation. Her aim is to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to move forward confidently in your business journey.

Whether you choose her 1-on-1 consulting, group mentorship program, or recorded webinars, she’s committed to being your “ambitious amiga,” helping you achieve your goals and encouraging you along the way.

Not sure what would be best for you?

Schedule a call with Corissa today to learn more!

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